Just a screwed up sunset, I like this photographic mistakes as they are referred too but I am not normal. Thank goodness, because normal people and things scare me!! Enjoy
A simple work, that I entered in a challenge, the only part I don't like about it is the spot of red in the bottom. It makes it look real but yet not unearthly perfect, reflections take place, I supposse.
This Sir Griffin, aka Grif. This my friends, is keen example of con-artist, with a few balance issues. He has some issues with accidents, like falling and literally tripping over things, not because of physical or even neurological issue. Grif, just gets caught up in things and forgets what he is doing, like walking or doing his little Tigger bounce. He is a sweet little cat. Even though somedays he could give Albert Einstein a run for the money in the bad hair department.
"Mr. Grey"
Yes I hav quite a few cat pictures, but don't take like I am collecting cats. If you need a cat and have a good home, you are more then welcome to have one. Even this cat who obviousily plotting the demise of the human race so he can rule the world.