Monday, March 24, 2008

Mr. Grey

MR. Grey-Just Mr. Grey chilling as usual in my spot.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Miss Sophia

Here is the little Miss princess herself. And yes note she only has one full eye. But she is still my little lover. Quite a bit over affectionate at times, to the point she is pain in the neck. I don't think she has ever outgrown the kitten phase. She is however my baby and don't think she doesn't know it.

Snow Leaf

SNOW LEAF- Just a fun little abstract, that you might consider a digtial painting. I like the texture and the natue of the blending colors, even though the contast is a little to high, but I don't like the worn out image look.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Red Sphere

"Red Sphere" Just a photo of a little red sphere casting a dark shadow.

"Four Spheres"

"Four Spheres"

Here is just simple experiment of colored spheres, in the sunlight.

Classic Whirl B&W

"Classic whirl B&W" Samething as before but in black and white, I like it better in black and white. But I like simple images the best.

Classic Whirl

"Classic Whirl" Just a simple abstract to practice the old photo shop skills. I sorta like it, and borrowed the word 'classic' from my five year old nephew, seems everything at the moment is classic. Ah, to have favorite words.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Simple Abstract XIX

"Simple Abstract"-These seem to have a more comic book feel to them, but I like the random nature of the shapes.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Gathered Leaves

"Gathered Leaves"- Leaves in black and white, simple but good shapes and contrast. I esp. like the negative space that Mother nature can create.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Solo Leaf

"Solo Leaf"-Just a lonely little leaf. I realize it's background is rather dark, the highlights of texture stand out even more, creating more of an shadow image.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Black and White Dancing Out

"Black and White Dancing Out"- Here is a black and white verssion of my last work, I find it far to simple but striking that black and white shapes can have so much power. This work esp. appeals to me as it has escher like quality too it. Even though I am sure Escher would disagree.

Dancing Out

"Dancing Out"-An abstract I created with the emphasis of shape and the background I rather like this effect, esp. with the 3-D effect to the shapes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Three On Stone

"Three on Stone"-This is one of the photos I put in collection of photos I took one day on honey creek to experiment with light and color. Experimenting with the reflection of water. It was hot and sticky day but the wind wasn't so bad, so along the creek I had good lighting. Even though the squeetters were not the most enjoyable part of the day, either was smelling like deep woods off. Though I seemed to have gotten quite a few shots that I like. I am most excited about the photo books I can create on this one site, seems to easy. And there is always the hope of making money at it. I have my doubts but the impressions never made for a long, long time.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Simple Abstract I

"Simple Abstract I"- What can I say its red, has movement and strong sense of depth within the shape.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Abstract Simple VI(black and white)

"Abstract simple VI (black and white)-Not that this work doesn't have flaws, I just love the lines and tones that came out in the black and white version of this. Judge for yourself. I, like the flow.

Abstract Simple VI

"Abstract Simple VI"-Just a wild and colorful abstract I came up with. Photoshop can really make the colors bright and simplified. It almost looks like sceince to me.

Blue Morning Stove

"Blue Morning Stove"- Just the ever popular morning stove in an abandoned house. I am playing witht he color blue, because obviousily I am attracted to color.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Solarized Simple Abstract

"Simple Abstract I"
Here is an example of another effect in the same series that I am working on. I rather prefer the dark black background.

SImple Abstract

"Simple Abstract" I've decided that I am doing a series of abstracts and this the first that I've really liked, I am hoping for like one a day or more. As you can see I like color. I esp like the wave effect on this.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Red Leaves and Bricks

"Red Leaves and Bricks"- Some very simple photoshop work, effective maybe not but it does have an abstract quality.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Old Giant

"Old Giant"- An old tree in the back of the pasture it has great deal of character and is interesting how this old maple can stand so long.

Golden Leaves

"Golden Leaves"-I am interested in how the simplest of subject matter can hold it's charm and light