Sunday, December 30, 2007


"TRIANGLES" I was just playing around with different filters on photoshop, being creative I guess.

Dark Blue

"DARK BLUE"-An abstract I did as I am focusing on the color blue for a while.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I know this isn't exactly a perfect artistic work, but I love the simplness of color, the mood, and tentacle quality of the aloe, so much like an ailen coming to get you out of green space. Ok, maybe I am just a little werid or I've been abducted by ailens. Whatever it is, it is more abstract then a crisp clean capture of dull, boring reality. To each there own. I like it. *shrugs*

Monday, December 3, 2007

Red Leaves Among the Bricks

This is just a quick shot I did and sorta like the effect of, it is a rather undiscernable what is the center of focus or even a focal point. I just rather like it because you really have to look to see what it is all about and the bit of the sun in the corner is striking too. Funny how shadows can change the looks of even the simplest of things.