Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Just some leaf pictures in varying lighting and types of weather.

Farm cat

Just an old farm cat, I liked the way this old feline was sunnying herself.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Brown Bottle

Just a brown bottle my Mother has hanging in the garden, I like the way the light reflects in the bottom of this. And the midair hanging thing is just an added bonus.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Old Woodlot

Here is a example of the sunset and some old giant maples that was woodlot when my great grandparents first came to Nebraska in the early part of the last hundred years. I believe close to like 1868 or so. I took this photo mainly to see how my camera's sensories and such would react to the setting sun.

Bent Rim

Here is pic of bent rim in pile of rubbish in the old woodlot behind my families farm. I just like the stories that old piles of junk tell. I bet though someone missed this old rim as most iron around the farm my Father usually sells off for scrap.

Blue Eyed Nephew

This is my nephew giving me that you take to many photos look. I just like this one as it shows his blue eyes and all his freckles. Really he is happy little boy and is just bright when he smiles.

Abandoned window

These are examples of window I found in old abandoned house. I like the narrative the different voice it seems to have in color, black and white and in the copper tone.

A Morning Glory

As the few others before and after this one it is image done in color and in black and white. I like the morning glories on the lattice, they had a perishing feeling for late fall.

Maple Tree

The same tree but one with the lighting of the day and the other in gradients of black and white. I rather like the unique color of the first one.

A Leaf in Contrast

Two leaves- each the same but one in black and white and the other in color. I think both of the images are haunting and appealing.