Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Grandmother

My Grandmother

Here is part of the collection of my Grandmother's photos I've been scanning. I love this one of my Grandmother as baby with her older brothers. The hats and thier manly stances just amuse me. Quite the little men aren't they?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cherry Perched

Cherry Perched-Just another still life series I am working on. Hey, it gives me the excuse to eat cherries! Yummy, huh?

Friday, July 13, 2007


"FLOW"-It's funny how the simplest of shots with a little work just turn out stunning. One of my favorite black and whites, but I like the abstract appeal.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Honey Creek II

Honey Creek II- Just a macro of the creek. Nothing specail, I just like to imagine the sound of the stream and I like how light plays on water.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Marble Caught

Marble Caught-Just an abstraction done with photoshop.

Honey Creek I

Just some lighting effects along my little place on the creek.

Monday, July 2, 2007

White Rock in Red

White Rock in Red - Same pic just photoshopped a little different, I like it even though it lacks it's natural qualtiy.

White Rock

White Rock- I really like the feel of this and the big old white rock, not quite the focus but something that gives it an added appeal or mystery. I love the dark greens, makes it almost look emerald.

Marble Untitled

Marble Untitled- Just a marble that I took a pic of in the sunlite, I rather like the varying textures in this and the reflections of light. Of course I like simple things.