Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A flower

Just one of my infamous flower pics.

An Old Fence

Just an old fence that most likely needs some maintaining. I like the odd value of shadow that appeared along the diagnol.

Fall Nature

Just two photos taken in the fall along honey creek.


Ok, not the best quality and the camear I used was my old Sony, but it works.
Two of the same , different gradient. I esp. like the bent up guard rail, you know someone had to hit this hard coming down the Mockingbird hill.

winter Gate

Just me exploring light and the contrast of snow. I think this makes one of my better abstracts.


Just a winter landscape. Nebraska seems to indictative of these types of photos.

Upon the Sword

Ok, two of the same again, the later done with a filter and gradient. These were shots I am doing for a painting series, I do alot of work like that. Someday I hope to have other models other then myself.

Boarded Door

As before same photo different gradient. I do like the blue cast to the one door, however the black and white does have a classic feel too it.

Apples and Eggs

This was a work that I did playing with shapes that are slightly simliar and how light could be used to make them more or less simliar. It works but just not quite there yet.

Guard Rail

Two of the same photos again with different graidents. This is taken off of Honey Creek bridge.

Two Windmills

Two of the same windmills, with the color and with a black and white gradient. Oh, hail the power of photoshop.

Blue Glass

Blue Glass-A macro shot, turned out well.