Sunday, December 30, 2007


"TRIANGLES" I was just playing around with different filters on photoshop, being creative I guess.

Dark Blue

"DARK BLUE"-An abstract I did as I am focusing on the color blue for a while.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I know this isn't exactly a perfect artistic work, but I love the simplness of color, the mood, and tentacle quality of the aloe, so much like an ailen coming to get you out of green space. Ok, maybe I am just a little werid or I've been abducted by ailens. Whatever it is, it is more abstract then a crisp clean capture of dull, boring reality. To each there own. I like it. *shrugs*

Monday, December 3, 2007

Red Leaves Among the Bricks

This is just a quick shot I did and sorta like the effect of, it is a rather undiscernable what is the center of focus or even a focal point. I just rather like it because you really have to look to see what it is all about and the bit of the sun in the corner is striking too. Funny how shadows can change the looks of even the simplest of things.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Just some leaf pictures in varying lighting and types of weather.

Farm cat

Just an old farm cat, I liked the way this old feline was sunnying herself.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Brown Bottle

Just a brown bottle my Mother has hanging in the garden, I like the way the light reflects in the bottom of this. And the midair hanging thing is just an added bonus.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Old Woodlot

Here is a example of the sunset and some old giant maples that was woodlot when my great grandparents first came to Nebraska in the early part of the last hundred years. I believe close to like 1868 or so. I took this photo mainly to see how my camera's sensories and such would react to the setting sun.

Bent Rim

Here is pic of bent rim in pile of rubbish in the old woodlot behind my families farm. I just like the stories that old piles of junk tell. I bet though someone missed this old rim as most iron around the farm my Father usually sells off for scrap.

Blue Eyed Nephew

This is my nephew giving me that you take to many photos look. I just like this one as it shows his blue eyes and all his freckles. Really he is happy little boy and is just bright when he smiles.

Abandoned window

These are examples of window I found in old abandoned house. I like the narrative the different voice it seems to have in color, black and white and in the copper tone.

A Morning Glory

As the few others before and after this one it is image done in color and in black and white. I like the morning glories on the lattice, they had a perishing feeling for late fall.

Maple Tree

The same tree but one with the lighting of the day and the other in gradients of black and white. I rather like the unique color of the first one.

A Leaf in Contrast

Two leaves- each the same but one in black and white and the other in color. I think both of the images are haunting and appealing.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Grandmother

My Grandmother

Here is part of the collection of my Grandmother's photos I've been scanning. I love this one of my Grandmother as baby with her older brothers. The hats and thier manly stances just amuse me. Quite the little men aren't they?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cherry Perched

Cherry Perched-Just another still life series I am working on. Hey, it gives me the excuse to eat cherries! Yummy, huh?

Friday, July 13, 2007


"FLOW"-It's funny how the simplest of shots with a little work just turn out stunning. One of my favorite black and whites, but I like the abstract appeal.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Honey Creek II

Honey Creek II- Just a macro of the creek. Nothing specail, I just like to imagine the sound of the stream and I like how light plays on water.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Marble Caught

Marble Caught-Just an abstraction done with photoshop.

Honey Creek I

Just some lighting effects along my little place on the creek.

Monday, July 2, 2007

White Rock in Red

White Rock in Red - Same pic just photoshopped a little different, I like it even though it lacks it's natural qualtiy.

White Rock

White Rock- I really like the feel of this and the big old white rock, not quite the focus but something that gives it an added appeal or mystery. I love the dark greens, makes it almost look emerald.

Marble Untitled

Marble Untitled- Just a marble that I took a pic of in the sunlite, I rather like the varying textures in this and the reflections of light. Of course I like simple things.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A flower

Just one of my infamous flower pics.

An Old Fence

Just an old fence that most likely needs some maintaining. I like the odd value of shadow that appeared along the diagnol.

Fall Nature

Just two photos taken in the fall along honey creek.


Ok, not the best quality and the camear I used was my old Sony, but it works.
Two of the same , different gradient. I esp. like the bent up guard rail, you know someone had to hit this hard coming down the Mockingbird hill.

winter Gate

Just me exploring light and the contrast of snow. I think this makes one of my better abstracts.


Just a winter landscape. Nebraska seems to indictative of these types of photos.

Upon the Sword

Ok, two of the same again, the later done with a filter and gradient. These were shots I am doing for a painting series, I do alot of work like that. Someday I hope to have other models other then myself.

Boarded Door

As before same photo different gradient. I do like the blue cast to the one door, however the black and white does have a classic feel too it.

Apples and Eggs

This was a work that I did playing with shapes that are slightly simliar and how light could be used to make them more or less simliar. It works but just not quite there yet.

Guard Rail

Two of the same photos again with different graidents. This is taken off of Honey Creek bridge.

Two Windmills

Two of the same windmills, with the color and with a black and white gradient. Oh, hail the power of photoshop.

Blue Glass

Blue Glass-A macro shot, turned out well.